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🌊🐾If you also love the relaxing feeling of the sea, or if your friends love the sea too! Then this DIY gift will be a unique choice.
✨ Do it yourself resin beach art kit! You can now make your own beautiful art picture from your own home! All supplies included to make this beautiful wave. Or arrange into something else you would like!
🥰 You will receive all supplies needed to make this art piece. 10 x 12 white frame, instructions, cup, stir stick, gloves, resin, hardener, crushed glass, turtles, etc. Make sure to read ALL instructions before beginning your project. I would LOVE to see your finished piece!
- 1*✨DIY Wave Art Photo Frame Set
![Kit, do it yourself DIY resin art kit, sea glass picture, shell art, crafting gift, home crafting. Craft kits. Wave with turtles. image 1](